- 750 ml
PELTER Rose wine
129 ₪17.2 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Castel Rosé
119.9 ₪15.99 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Feldstein rosé wine
119.9 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher15.99 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Flam Rose
119.9 ₪15.99 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Chateau Golan Geshem rosa
199.9 ₪26.65 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Har Amsha Rosa Wine
129 ₪ instead of standard 139 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher17.2 ₪ / 100 ml- −7%
- 750 ml
Nana Rosa wine
139.9 ₪18.65 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Barkan rose blush Wine
59.9 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher7.99 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Ramat Negev Winery Rose Kadesh Baenea
69.9 ₪9.32 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
DAROM dry Rosé wine
85 ₪ instead of standard 89.9 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher11.33 ₪ / 100 ml- −5%
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