- 700 ml
Vodka 42 Bilow
85.9 ₪ instead of standard 89.9 ₪12.27 ₪ / 100 ml- −4%
- 700 ml
Finlandia Vodka
89 ₪12.71 ₪ / 100 ml - 700 ml
Stoll Premium vodka
89 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher12.71 ₪ / 100 ml - 700 ml
Stoli gluten free Vodka
99 ₪14.14 ₪ / 100 ml- Min Order
- Gluten Free
- 500 ml
65 ₪13 ₪ / 100 ml - 700 ml
Russian Standard Vodka
89 ₪12.71 ₪ / 100 ml- Min Order
- 700 ml
Grey Goose Vodka
168.1 ₪ instead of standard 179 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher24.01 ₪ / 100 ml- −6%
- 700 ml
Beluga Noble Vodka
179 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher25.57 ₪ / 100 ml - 750 ml
Van Gogh Acai Blueberry Vodka
185 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher24.67 ₪ / 100 ml- Min Order
- 750 ml
Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka
185 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher24.67 ₪ / 100 ml- Min Order
- 700 ml
Van Gogh Pineapple Vodka
185 ₪Tagged ingredients: kosher26.43 ₪ / 100 ml- Min Order
- 700 ml
Mont Blanc Classic Vodka
139 ₪19.86 ₪ / 100 ml
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